Usman Ahmed

Usman Ahmed


After excelling at GCSEs and A Levels, Usman went on to study BSc Physics at the University of Manchester. He then qualified as a science teacher and pursued the teaching profession until he made an important realization. Having been involved in Da’wah work locally and internationally since the age of 17, he found it increasingly difficult to make time for his community projects and personal spiritual development. In 2013 he chose to sacrifice his teaching career in order to resume charitable work, enhance his self development, and create financial freedom & flexibility. 

The next 3 years were a tremendous journey experimenting various online and offline businesses whilst simultaneously doing more Da’wah work and conveying the message.

The 6 year journey in search for freedom led him to set up businesses in various sectors such as supply teaching, first aid, private tutoring, tuition agency, online marketing, business advisory and more.

​The final stage of the journey was Property. Usman invested heavily in educating himself through mentors and programs on different property strategies to create passive income, flexibility and freedom.

​Over the last 2 years Usman has implemented selected strategies and now has a 100% flexible work life-balance with no boss and multiple (active and residual) income streams from various ventures.

​He is now passionate to help others do the same.

The new found freedom has allowed Usman to spend more time pursuing his passion of teaching and personal development. Over the last 5 years he has taught courses and workshops in UK and abroad on Marriage, Teaching Skills, Overcoming Habits, Time Management and Personal Growth.